
公式ティールストリート・スクワッド - Bybit WSOT 2023

Squad Showdownで少なくとも30,000 USDTを取引して、ランボルギーニHuracán EVO Spyderとロレックスを獲得するチャンスを手に入れましょう!親愛なるTealstreetorsの皆様、私たちは様々なバックグラウンドを持つトレーダーが集い、忘れられない旅に出発する特別なイベントの入り口に立っています。大きな興奮を胸に、このイベントを成功と輝きの縮図とするため、皆様を心からご招待いたします。今年のコンペティションは、成長、学習、そしてトレーディングの才覚を披露する機会に満ちた、これまでにないものとなることをお約束します。トレーディング界が一堂に会することで [...] が形成されることを期待しています。


Here at Tealstreet.io, we are big fans of CoinMarketManager. Simply follow them on Twitter and you’ll understand why. There’s a reason why many veteran traders harp on newer traders to journal their trades regularly and consistently even though its not always the most fun. The key is getting yourself to a place where journaling is a habit. Trading tools, like Tealstreet & CoinMarketMan, offer traders a more intuitive trading experience by offering many quality of life features to reduce the repetitive tasks that often feel tedious. The CoinMarketMan team put it best: Be Your Own Advisor:Documenting every trade helps you define your strengths and weaknesses as a trader. This self-awareness […]

Announcing Tealstreet Terminal Full Release

The Tealstreet team is happy to announce our official launch of trade.tealstreet.io – This marks the end of our beta and the waitlist for new signups. Now you can create an account immediately! We’ve implemented some exciting new features, improved stability, and increased responsiveness. Keep reading to learn more. The beta site will stay up for around one week to give time for users to transfer over as you will need to re-add API keys. Like previous versions, the Tealstreet trading terminal is completely free to use. No subscription fees, no premium, and no account limitations.Tealstreet supports trading via 6 exchanges including Bybit, Binance, BitMEX, FTX, Phemex, and OKEx. More exchange integrations coming soon. Join our Discord community […]

