
Want to join on of the biggest and most profitable Guilds on BitMEX? Look no further than the official Tealstreet.io Guild on BitMEX. Click here to get a 10% discount on trading fees for 6 months. Even better? BitMEX has brought back MAKER REBATES for all traders who use their USDT derivative pairs. Get paid to trade.

Phemex x Tealstreet 冬のトレーディング・コンペティション

– 🌬️❄️ Dear Tealstreet Traders, As we gear up for the chill vibes of December, brace yourselves for the Phemex Winter Trading Competition, where things are about to get cool, sharp, and seriously competitive. This isn’t your average trading rendezvous; it’s a frosty face-off presented by Phemex, designed to test your mettle in the brisk winds of winter markets. In the upcoming frosty odyssey, traders from all walks will converge for a unique blend of challenges and opportunities. It’s not about the warmth of camaraderie but the cold, hard skills you bring to the table. Get ready to showcase your trading prowess in a no-nonsense arena where only the savvy […]


– 🌟 Dear Esteemed Traders, As we step into the vibrant month of November, an exceptional event beckons—the SuperX Trading Championship, November Edition, proudly presented by Tealstreet x BingX. In this season of change, where the trading landscape evolves, we invite you to be part of a unique convergence. Traders from various backgrounds will gather, transcending conventional boundaries, to embark on a journey that promises growth, learning, and an opportunity to showcase your trading prowess. This edition guarantees an extraordinary voyage, a crucible of opportunities for personal and professional development. Join us in the creation of a remarkable community that celebrates the artistry of trading. United with fellow traders, each […]

Bybit / スピンタキュラー:ラッキードロー

- アフィリエイトの紹介リンクを使ってサインアップしたユーザーは、取引に応じてフリースピンをアンロックすることができます。もっとトレード、もっとスピン。


– Dear Tealstreetors, 🎃 As the haunting eve of Halloween draws near, a shrouded event is poised to unfurl—a mysterious Trading Tournament, hosted by Tealstreet x BingX, awaits your presence. Prepare to tread upon the threshold of this extraordinary assembly, where traders from diverse realms converge to embark on a journey obscured in shadows. With great anticipation, we extend an invitation for you to join us, as we collectively conjure an event that promises to be of brilliance. This year’s edition holds the promise of an experience unlike any other, a cauldron bubbling over with opportunities for growth, learning, and the chance to unveil your trading wizardry. As the trading […]

ティールストリート×WOO X トレーディングコンペティション

Tealstreet and WOO X have combined forces to bring traders an exciting and rewarding competition from August 228th to September 10th. 15,000 WOO tokens are up for grabs. Use code TEALST15 on signup to receive a 15% discount on fees! Or, click here. Important dates: The ref code for Tealstreet is: https://teal.link/woo Benefits: Trades through Tealstreet on WOO X get a special 3x boost on our leaderboard. Winner selection: The top 5 traders with the highest trading volume on the main trading pair will be our winners. If you’re one of the first 50 new users to register with those referral codes and make your first trade through Tealstreet, you’ll […]

公式ティールストリート・スクワッド - Bybit WSOT 2023

Squad Showdownで少なくとも30,000 USDTを取引して、ランボルギーニHuracán EVO Spyderとロレックスを獲得するチャンスを手に入れましょう!親愛なるTealstreetorsの皆様、私たちは様々なバックグラウンドを持つトレーダーが集い、忘れられない旅に出発する特別なイベントの入り口に立っています。大きな興奮を胸に、このイベントを成功と輝きの縮図とするため、皆様を心からご招待いたします。今年のコンペティションは、成長、学習、そしてトレーディングの才覚を披露する機会に満ちた、これまでにないものとなることをお約束します。トレーディング界が一堂に会することで [...] が形成されることを期待しています。


Here at Tealstreet.io, we are big fans of CoinMarketManager. Simply follow them on Twitter and you’ll understand why. There’s a reason why many veteran traders harp on newer traders to journal their trades regularly and consistently even though its not always the most fun. The key is getting yourself to a place where journaling is a habit. Trading tools, like Tealstreet & CoinMarketMan, offer traders a more intuitive trading experience by offering many quality of life features to reduce the repetitive tasks that often feel tedious. The CoinMarketMan team put it best: Be Your Own Advisor:Documenting every trade helps you define your strengths and weaknesses as a trader. This self-awareness […]

Announcing Tealstreet Terminal Full Release

The Tealstreet team is happy to announce our official launch of trade.tealstreet.io – This marks the end of our beta and the waitlist for new signups. Now you can create an account immediately! We’ve implemented some exciting new features, improved stability, and increased responsiveness. Keep reading to learn more. The beta site will stay up for around one week to give time for users to transfer over as you will need to re-add API keys. Like previous versions, the Tealstreet trading terminal is completely free to use. No subscription fees, no premium, and no account limitations.Tealstreet supports trading via 6 exchanges including Bybit, Binance, BitMEX, FTX, Phemex, and OKEx. More exchange integrations coming soon. Join our Discord community […]
